How To Clear Cookies On Internet Explorer Windows 10
Clear Cache, Cookies and History in Internet Explorer
Internet Explorer has a way to clear some or all of the browsing data from your computer. To get to these controls and choose what you want to clear, follow these instructions.
Click the Settings "gear" icon
With your opened copy of Internet Explorer, find the icon which looks like a gear in the top right hand corner of the window, and click it.
Click "Internet Options"
When you click the Settings gear a menu will appear; one of the options near the bottom is Internet Options. Click it to open the options screen.
You will now see a window appear called Internet Options.
Click the "Delete" button
On the Internet Options window there are a number of tabs along the top, each with their own set of controls you can change. However the first tab which appears contains a section labelled Browsing history. It contains Delete... and Settings buttons.
When you click the Delete... button a new window appears giving you options about what should be deleted.
Choose what to delete from Internet Explorer
The new window shows you a list of different things which can be cleared from Internet Explorer.
Choose what you want to delete or keep by ticking and unticking the various checkboxes.
Note that the very first one is a double-negative... by keeping it ticked, you preserve the local cache of Favorites data.
When you just want to do a basic "clear your browser" type of refresh, you probably want to just have Temporary Internet files and website files, Cookies and website data, and History checked with the others unchecked. Checking the other options may clear more data from your computer than you need to...
Having Form data, Passwords and/or Tracking Protection, ActiveX Filtering and Do Not Track ticked will clear the values and exceptions you have previously entered and configured. You may want to preserve these.
Click the "Delete" button
Once you have chosen what you want to delete from Internet Explorer, proceed by clicking the Delete button at the bottom of the window.
Internet Explorer will then delete those items.
You can then just close the settings windows and resume browsing the internet.
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How To Clear Cookies On Internet Explorer Windows 10
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